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Unfortunately, this deal expired 07.07.2024
9 months ago

Financing NORMANDIMM's Advertising Campaigns

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About the Project and Crowdfunding Campaign

NORMANDIMM, the borrower, is a SAS (Société par Actions Simplifiée) operating within the advertising agency sector. The company was registered with the Tribunal de Commerce de Caen on 25/10/2023 under the registration number 980. NORMANDIMM currently has financial statements available for the last accounting year. The company is headquartered at 26 Avenue de Thiès, 14000 Caen, France, and is led by President Ludivine Boilevin.

This offering involves crowdfunding for NORMANDIMM to finance a total amount of €97,500.00. The purpose of the funds is to finance a set of service invoices related to advertising within the project NORMANDIMM - Commande VG202404 over a maximum duration of 21 months. The financing is intended for the purchase of services from various independent service providers to ensure the successful execution of the order.

Details of the Services Included in the Order:

The services covered by the order include professional photography to capture real estate properties, creation of sales advertisements by dedicated writers, production of promotional video spots, creation of presentation dossiers and flyers for the announcement, dissemination of the advertisement on various platforms such as sites for private and professional listings, European listing sites, and video platforms. Additionally, it includes the development of a personalized mini website for the advertisement, SEO and online promotion, reception and filtering of buyer inquiries, organization of visits between private buyers, and financial assessment of potential buyers.

Financial Summary

Annual Financial Figures and Ratios for the Past Year: Revenue: €6,000,000. Other financial details such as net profit, total assets, operating margin, net margin, net debt, debt ratio, current ratio, debt service coverage ratio, gross operating surplus, return on equity, and intangible asset ratio have not been disclosed.

Crowdfunding Process and Conditions

The target amount for this crowdfunding campaign is €97,500.00, with a deadline of 07/07/2024. If the fundraising target is not met by the deadline, the project will be closed without any loan contract being signed. In this case, the entire amount of the loan offer will be credited back to the lender’s payment account.

Key Risk Factors

Economic Activity Risks include default risk, which encompasses non-payment of a commercial receivable by the final debtor or failure of the project company. Lenders face a risk of non-repayment. Measures to mitigate this risk include strict selection of projects and companies, analyzing their viability and financial health, and taking guarantees to limit this risk. However, there remains a risk of bankruptcy or other insolvency procedures involving the project or its owner, potentially leading to a total loss for investors. Source of Funds is another risk. In compliance with current regulations, the payment service provider Lemonway has implemented a control and verification procedure to ensure the origin of funds from lenders and borrowers, following the KYC (Know Your Customer) guidelines.

Operational Risks include data security risks. As an intermediary between lenders and borrowers, the platform holds sensitive information, including loan contract details and identity documents. While internet security risks persist, the platform commits to employing all reasonable measures to ensure optimal data security.

Crowdfunding Offer Details

The total amount to be financed is €97,500.00. The funding will cover a set of service invoices related to advertising in the project NORMANDIMM - Commande VG202404 for a maximum duration of 21 months. Services include professional photography, ad writing, promotional videos, and various online and offline marketing efforts.