This sentence expires on 13.03.2025
3 päeva tõmbama

T12 XX

/ min. 100 


Project T12 XX from Lithuania is raising investments in the amount of 98813 euros for re_development with an expected annual return of 6.5%. The loan term is 12 months, meaning the period for the borrower to repay the borrowed amount and interest on the loan. In this case, the borrower must repay the loan within 12 months after receiving the loan.
The project has a Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio of 28%, which is within the established maximum value of 70%.
The internal project number is P00000924-20 on the licensed crowdfunding platform Profitus from Lithuania. The platform states that they obtained a license in November 2023 from the European crowdfunding regulator ESMA.
Please note, the platform specifies that this information should not be construed as a recommendation, indication, or invitation to use a specific investment service and is not considered the basis or part of subsequent transactions. Investing always carries the risk of losing part or all of the investments. I agree with Profitus platform and also recommend approaching investment responsibly by diversifying your investments.

Bilataxanoo kanaa Cyprus, koo legal professional, nagaaddee isin laaliifte jiraan inuu si gaar ah yahay inuu maalgeliyo projeect-ka dib-u-dhiska ee Lithuania?
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