Peenike / Kategooriad / Qalqalaa'a / Kotu be Moliakalnio Street, Vilnius VII
Sorry, this offer has expired 11.11.2024
3 kuud tõmbama

Kotu be Moliakalnio Street, Vilnius VII

/ min. 100 


Apartemntochi le Moliakalnio Street, projecktii Vilnius VII firomi Lithuaniya, yehonu investimentochi yalew 108,200 euros be re_development, be yalew annual return of 8.6-9.6%. Minimum investimentochi yalew 100 euros.

The loan term yalew 12 months, yalew period be borrowerochi to repay the borrowed amount be interest on the loan. In this case, borrowerochi must repay the loan within 12 months after receiving the loan.

Projecktii yalew Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio be 62%, yalew within established maximum value be 85%.

Internal projecktii number yalew P00001226-7 on licensed crowdfunding platform Profitus firomi Lithuaniya. Platformochi states yalew they obtained license in November 2023 firomi European crowdfunding regulator ESMA. ESMA license yalew quite complex, as out of over 1000 platforms in Europe at the beginning of 2024, only 150 managed to obtain this license.

Please note yalew platformochi specifies yalew this information should not be construed as recommendation, indication, be invitation to use specific investment service be should not be considered basis be part of subsequent transactions. Investing always carries risk be losing part be all of the investments. I agree with Profitus platform be also recommend approaching investment responsibly by diversifying your investments. In European Union countries, crowdfunding yalew not prohibited by Deposit Insurance be Investor Responsibility Law.

Mati itti fayyadama in ka iibso mashruucaan ee re_development kaasoo ka soo horjeedo Lithuania?
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